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MrBeast | November 2024

MrBeast, the wildly popular YouTube creator with over 326 million subscribers, recently featured CuliAir SkyDining in his latest video, "$1 vs $500,000 Experiences!" Viewed by millions, the video highlights a luxurious skydining experience with CuliAir as one of the pinnacle options in the high-end tier. In his unique style, MrBeast showcases CuliAir’s innovative dining experience, where haute cuisine meets high altitude, bringing widespread attention to this culinary adventure. This collaboration introduces CuliAir to a global audience, further cementing its reputation as a world-class, unforgettable dining journey.

Forbes | August 2023

Forbes Senior Contributor, Jim Dobson, always on the lookout for the most amazing people, places, and things in the world, covers CuliAir.

Home Crux | August 2023

Savor exquisite haute cuisine between the sky and the earth.

DV Cuisine | July 2023

Over the past twenty-five years, the Canadian company DV Cuisine has produced culinary shows and documentaries worldwide. Last summer, documentary filmmaker Nick Versteeg and his team visited the Netherlands and fell head over heels in love with CuliAir skydining.

Atlas Obscura | July 2022

A Dutch master chef cooks meals among the clouds.